sevruga caviar

sevruga caviar

Very similar in taste to our Osetra caviar but has smaller and creamier eggs. Sevruga sturgeon (Acipenser Stellatus) is more rare in production around the world, 1/10th of the production of Osetra and other high end caviar options. Tasting notes are described as Small, buttery eggs that evaporate on the palate for a smooth and clean finish. Despite of the small size of the fish comparing to Osetra and Beluga, the Sevruga caviar is considered to have the most intense and rich flavor among other caviar.

sevruga caviar

Salted roe of the sevruga sturgeon is one of the most common and renowned caviar varieties in the world. Native to the Black and Caspian Sea, sevruga reproduces faster than other sturgeon varieties, which makes the caviar plentiful and more affordable.

Although small in size, the crunchy caviar beads are packed with salty, buttery flavors and usually range from light gray to black. Although it is said that this specialty is best enjoyed plain, eaten exclusively with a pearl or wooden spoon and paired with Champagne, sparkling wines, or vodka, it is also commonly combined with blini pancakes, potatoes, or bread.